Saturday, June 11, 2011

Last Friday Night* (alternate title: Queen of the Subway)

*I am soooo happy that Katy Perry is finally releasing my favorite track off "Teenage Dream" as a single!
Finally able to wear long sleeves without dying!!: Striped top from Madison I got for birthday, fave Levi shorts, Chanel, new hat from LF (because I hate not being able to wear hats to work), Wayfarers, nude flats
I loved finally getting to sleep in a bit Friday! I started off the morning by meeting Jeremiah at Columbia for Chicken and Waffles.... looks like that LA boy misses him some Roscoe's! I was so excited because I was starving, but by the time I got there I wasn't hungry. :( Then we met up with my "friend" (we have an apparently fake... I never know with him... feud) from high school and grabbed Starbucks and chatted.

I want serious props for getting to Columbia... I took the subway which involved me switching trains!

In the late afternoon, I went down to Soho to meet up with Tysa, who was here for a few days taking care of some stuff for work (she's an AMAZING designer... ... I want her life! (see, I'm even good at publicity when I'm not even hired to do it!)) at her hotel. Once again, I totally became Queen of the Subway by figuring out how to get to Soho. We hung out for a while in her hotel room, catching up and gossiping.  We had dinner in the hotel lobby where we were joined by her close friend, jewelry designer Loree Rodkin. Let me just say how surreal it was sitting at a table with two ladies who are so accomplished in the fashion industry, especially talking to them about my aspirations of being a designer.

Tysa and I walked around Soho, the West Village, and the Meat Packing district where she showed me everything from yummy restaurants to great boutiques, to friends apartment. On the way back to her hotel, we picked up cupcakes from Cafe Angelique. We had a total girls night and ate the cupcakes (which were amazing!!!) in bed watching old SNL episodes and Chelsea Lately.

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